My ideas about teaching

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It's funny really: I always write loooong pages of notes for class preparation, but when I'm actually in the room with you, those notes frequently go right out the window. I have a strong belief in the "teachable moment," by which I mean that it is at the time when a student asks a question or looks confused that her or she is ready to learn. I want to take advantage of that so if that means an impromptu grammar lesson or delving into vocabulary roots and affixes and the etymology of words, so be it.

However, in the back of my mind I am always aware of the end goals: the student outcome objectives. I do know where I want to go even if we might travel in a round-about way to get there! At the end, though, we always get there. The results come in the papers and presentations my students make at the end of a long and hard-working semester: they are stellar!


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